1qaz112 (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: Hello good ppl of celibatepassions. |
I have a sinking suspicion that this post won't be seen for a while, if ever, judging by the dates of the last two previous posts here, heh.
BUT that's not gonna stop me. I've been alone and doing my own thing online, for so damn long now, that I'm impervious to it.
Yep, invisibility in a crowd (even at an online site such as this one) is just another one my super powers.
Considering the way I look (no doubt that I'll always be EASY to pick out in a police lineup), I understand that a lot of ppl may be put off by my severe hairdo, etc... but, I refuse to conform to what the majority of society deems acceptable; be it s----lity, race, class, creed, etc etc, and also appearance.
I mean, really, I don't want to see the whole world transformed into cookie cutter images of one another, nope. So I hope that never does happen.
Instead I love diversity, including diversity of physical appearance!
And I truly understand the age old adage: "First impressions are lasting impressions"
But a persons looks shouldn't be apart of that. Instead, it should be about ones character.
Also, another adage, that I love, and so strive to live by: "Never judge a book by its cover."
So, here's hoping someone will 'open the cover and come read me' sometime soon.